Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oregon College of Arts and Crafts

On Saturday, Molly and I went to the OCAC Nude drawing session. At first, we got lost. When we eventually found the place it was a lot different than I expected. We walked into a room with about 7 other artists there. Most of them were over the age of 40. I was not shocked by the nudity at all, which I thought I would have been. The model was a very nice lady, along with the rest of the artists there. We talked to a few of the other people during breaks and it helped a lot being able to see their drawings from life and their different styles. It was a great experience and I plan on going back!!


LHS AP 2-D said...

Matt- You are so good at this!!!! Life drawing is hard and you really captured this woman. Way to go!

Karen said...

Love your work Matt

Mackenzie said...

These are really really cool matt, I like them alot and its amazing that you can do this so well, it's really hard for me!! haha

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Cassandra Poulson said...

nice work Matt! Now you've experienced the complete and real lifedrawing experience :D I am very envious.