Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kenny Dew

Remember those free little books we got from I've Been Framed?? I never thought I would end up using it. But today I was sooo bored in english and I couldn't find anything to draw on.. until I found that little book sitting in my backpack. Then I had to think of something to draw. Once I saw Kenny Dew and his afro, I knew what I wanted to focus on haha. Although I wasn't paying attention in class, I made a cool drawing! I don't think its finished yet though


Christy Sotta said...

Awesome. Those colors are probably improv, but they look cool together. And man, I can't live if I can't doodle during English D:

You should try playing w/ more colors . I'm curious to see if you do anything else with this.

Matt Brooks said...


Andrew Clayton said...

kenny dew is art