Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kenny Dew

Remember those free little books we got from I've Been Framed?? I never thought I would end up using it. But today I was sooo bored in english and I couldn't find anything to draw on.. until I found that little book sitting in my backpack. Then I had to think of something to draw. Once I saw Kenny Dew and his afro, I knew what I wanted to focus on haha. Although I wasn't paying attention in class, I made a cool drawing! I don't think its finished yet though

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mimes AKA Gross bulges and wediges

I got a few good drawings out of the live drawing session tonight. The mimes were really nice if you actually talked to them

Oil Pastels are Cool?

I haven't done much with oil pastels before so I decided to do a sketchbook about media exploration. I actually loved working with them and made a cool drawing of oranges in my sketchbook. This is probably the best thing in my sketchbook at the moment

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Concentrating on Concentration

I really want to study marketing in college, and advertisements have always sparked my interest. It is sometimes overlooked and forgotten about, but dvertisements are part of our every day life. Whether they are on TV, on the radio, or on huge billboards, we see them everywhere we go. Advertisements are made to appeal to certain people and make them feel a certain way. I was thinking about making advertisements for my concentration about how they are intended to make people feel. For example I would remake a Nike ad portraying images that are supposed to make people feel fit, healthy, athletic, famous, etc. Another idea is to make an Abercrombie ad that is supposed to make people feel sexy, trendy, popular. I have already collected images from magazines that I plan to collage into the art pieces. I think i am going to do a combination of paintings/drawings and images collaged together.